I had something different in mind for a Father’s Day post, but I find myself wanting to take it into numerous directions that wander too far off that particular path. Whatever that post becomes, it will eventually make its way here but not today. Instead, I think I’ll go back to the well of some of my previously published work, especially as my audience grows. Hello you wonderful newcomers! Clowns to the left, jokers to the right. But here I am. Etc. Etc. Etc. Back in 2019, Backchannels published a non-fiction piece of mine titled "What I Make Immortal." I wrote about the passing of my grandfather as at the time I needed to get it all out of my head. For the record, that’s the handsome adult in the picture. My father is the happy child. Still has the same smile after all these years. Originally entitled “Smokey, Bandit and the Concrete Turtle”, it was one of the first things I wrote that truly helped me to understand my own coping mechanisms with grief as well as dealing with my own emotional needs. I’ve since looked at writing as a way to process those emotions and to say this is an understatement… well. It is what it is. So, for today, I’m going to link back to this story in hopes that you’ll read it and maybe gain some understanding into me (if you so desire) or maybe yourself (if you are open to it). I hope your Father’s Day was what it needed to be.
Kyle Lee